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The City Church exists to help you Connect to, Grow in, and Serve God. I hope you take some time to visit this Sunday. I think you will find a loving church that takes care of each other, relies on the power of the Holy Spirit, and has a passionate vision to reach the unchurched people of Springdale and Northwest Arkansas. We believe in the power of the word of God and preach from it verse by verse each week. If you decide to visit be sure to find the Plan Your Visit page and when you get here come and find me, I am looking forward to meeting you.


       Chris Rathbone

       Lead Pastor

Meet The Team

Chris Rathbone

Lead Pastor/Elder

Chris is a devoted husband to Cara, and a loving father to his daughters Claire and Paige.  In his free time, Chris enjoys outdoor activities such as fishing and boating, as well as creative pursuits like photography and video production.

Chris's commitment to serving others is evident in his professional life. He graduated from Central Bible College in Springfield, MO, and has since dedicated over 18 years to pastoral work. Starting as a youth pastor, Chris honed his skills in mentoring and leading young people. He then made the move to Northwest Arkansas, where he now pastors The City Church. Chris is an ordained minister of The Assemblies of God.

With his experience and passion for helping others grow in their faith, Chris is a dynamic and inspiring leader. He is known for his approachable nature and his ability to connect with people from all walks of life. Whether through his preaching, his mentorship, or his commitment to his family, Chris is a great example of what it means to live a life dedicated to serving God and others.

Pastor Elder Chris Rathbone
Spanish Pastor

Samuel Arellano

Spanish Pastor/Elder/El

Worship Pastor Daniel Gavin

Daniel Gavin

Worship Pastor

Kids Pastor Libbi Heintz

Libbi Heintz

Associate Pastor

Kids and Youth



Love Your Neighbor

Love Your Neighbor is an outreach program of The City Church. Our plan is to strengthen communities by promoting unity, feeding people, and providing for their needs. Once a month we will roll into a neighborhood and set up a grill and some tables. We are excited to see where this program takes our church.  

  • What are your beliefs?
    The City Church NWA Inc. believes that the Holy Scriptures define the way a believer should live and worship. We rally around these core unifying doctrinal beliefs listed below. For more detail about our beliefs please ask us about our Statement of Faith These are our unifying beliefs: About God We believe in one God who exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God is infinite, which does not always make sense to our finite understanding. He is not limited by time or space. He is creator, eternal, all-knowing, ever-present, and all-powerful. His character is multi-dimensional but no facet of His character diminishes another. In other words, His grace and wrath, mercy and justice, love and jealousy all work together for good. About Jesus Jesus is the eternal Son of God. He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, worked miracles and gave us an example to follow. Fully God and fully man, He died on a cross to pay the penalty for sin that separated us from God and rose from the dead to reconcile us to our Creator and to free us to have a new life in Him. Now, He sits at the right hand of the Father to intercede for us. About The Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit is given to every follower of Christ to guide, comfort, convict, and adopt us into the family of God. He helps us grow into Christ-likeness by producing the fruit of the Spirit in our lives, and He gives us spiritual gifts to empower us to meet the needs of God’s people and a hurting world. About The Bible Comprised of 66 books authored over thousands of years by dozens of authors, the Bible tells one seamless story: a passionate God on a relentless pursuit to redeem His creation. The Bible is the authoritative and inspired Word of God and is trustworthy and reliable for telling us what to believe and how to live. About Salvation We were created in the image of God to have community with Him and represent Him on earth. However, through a willful act of disobedience, we were separated from Him. The Father sent Jesus to redeem us through an act of atonement which culminated with Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection from the dead. This gave us the opportunity to trade our sin for His righteousness through faith. Jesus’ sacrifice is the only means for our salvation and reconciliation with the Father. About The Church The Church is the Body of Christ and Jesus is the head of the Body. The Church is not a building or an event but a community of individuals who have put their trust in Jesus Christ. The purpose of the Church is to glorify God, make disciples, make Jesus known to a lost world, and meet the needs of those in our communities and around the world. We celebrate baptism as a first step of obedience for new followers of Christ, in which they identify with Christ’s death and resurrection and make a public declaration of their faith. We also celebrate communion as an ongoing remembrance of the sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross. About Following Christ When we put our faith in Jesus Christ, it ignites a spiritual chain reaction and produces evidence of our salvation. We are forgiven of sin, declared right before God, and given eternal life with Him. The Holy Spirit is given to assure us of our salvation, adopt us into God’s family, and to live in us and empower us for a life of following Jesus. This results in the fruits of the Spirit — love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. About The Future In the end of all things, Jesus will reign eternally. He will judge His creation according to the character that has been revealed to us through His word with justice and mercy. Those who have found salvation through Jesus Christ will enjoy His presence forever; those who have not will be separated from God for eternity.
  • I can't find you. Where are you located?
    589 White Rd., Springdale I get it... we can be difficult to find. When you pull up don't look for a stand alone traditional church building. We think different so we have a different building. Look for us in a shopping center. We will have a sign out by the road and a red tent set up to help us stand out a little bit. Good luck! Trust me it will be worth the hunt.
  • What denomination are you?
    We are an independent church. What does that mean? We do not belong to a denomination.
  • What about my kids? Where do they go?
    Glad you asked... Your kids will love it here. We have a nursery for kids age 0-2, a preschool for kids that are potty trained through pre-K, and a fun service just for kids k-5th grade. Get here a few minutes early so they can get checked in to our system. We have a check in system so we can keep track of what kids belong to what parents. It's to keep everyone safe while at The City Church. They will stay in the kids wing for the entire service. If you would like to keep your child in service with you feel free to do so. We love kids and Pastor Chris likes it when babies make cute sounds when he is speaking. (seriously... he loves babies)
  • What are your service times?
    Sunday 10:00a Sunday Worship 12:45 Spanish Wednesday 7:00p Family Night- Kids, Youth, Adult Bible Study, Spanish Prayer Connect Groups Meet Throughout The Week

© 2023 by The City Church of Northwest Arkansas

589 White Rd.   Springdale, Arkansas,  72762

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Spirit Filled Church In Springdale. Great Kids Programs

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